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The Zombie Solution Page 2

  Around the table heads are nodded in agreement.

  “What they do have is overwhelming and ever-increasing numbers. That and the fact that we must destroy the brain to stop them, regardless of what may be left of the body. This certainly limits our choices of weaponry. It makes the chore of ending them much more personal. Grenades, bombs, and even fire will devastate many bodies but a large percentage of them will keep coming. I have to wonder if even with our great strength and speed, and the fact we will not turn if bitten but will heal rapidly, do we even have the numbers to even make a good fight of it?”

  Sitting at the table Jeffrey Avery spoke out. “Your comments are right on the mark, Doctor Larson, but it seems to me that we are missing something extremely important. It ’s no secret that very few of us are getting as much nourishment as we require. To carry on with what will be nothing less than a full-scale battle we will have to be at our physical best. Where are we going to get the rations we will need to wage this campaign?”

  Daniel anticipated this question, but had hoped it would come later in the meeting, not at this early stage. “Jeff, as always you have gotten right through to one of the diciest points we will face. As have you doctor by the way, in your question of numbers. The answers to these problems will not be easy. They will require a great deal of consideration from, legal, moral and even religious standpoints. That’s why I have invited our human guests here tonight.”

  All eyes turn to the three very uncomfortable guests.

  “Now Jeff, Dr. Larson, I don’t want to put you off, but your questions are the most difficult and most important ones we need to address. Do you mind if we lay down a bit more groundwork first?”

  Both men indicate that it will be okay for him to proceed.

  “Colonel Dickerson, I have two questions, if you please. Would I be correct in assuming that somewhere out there, even now, are scientists working on a distributable agent that will terminate the re-animated corpses?”

  “ Well sir, I’m not sure I should talk about that. Need to know stuff, you understand?”

  “And who would need to know more than those who are trying to save the civilizations of this planet?”

  “Point well taken and yes. I don’t understand the science of it all, but they seem to be working on something that will negate an enzyme or whatever it is, that makes dead cells work again.”

  “Thank you Colonel. And how long have these geniuses been working at this?”

  “Pretty much since this whole zombie thing began.”

  “And to date how are they doing?”

  “To date, ZIP!”

  “Now, my brothers and sisters, there is something I must point out. While so far there has been little progress on this, it doesn’t mean that even an accidental success won’t be achieved at any time. And how would this theoretical agent recognize the difference between zombie re-animated cells and vampire?”

  Once again silence reigns.

  “You said you have two questions. Colonel Dickerson breaks the silence.

  “Yes, thank you sir. I’m sure that over these past months the military has thrown everything they have at this problem. Has there been any particular weapon or strategy that has proven more successful than others?”

  This time there is no hesitation as Colonel Dickerson speaks right out. “You are correct. We’ve tried everything in our arsenal, short of nuclear. The trick is to neutralize the enemy without harming any friendlies that might be under attack. Almost any method of killing them en masse provides an unacceptable amount of collateral damage. There is one method that is showing some limited success, but the follow up is proving too risky for the troops. After a few tries, we abandoned it. If you are right about your people not being harmed by zombie bites it just might eliminate clusters of the bastards!”

  “So, how can we do that?”

  “You must first isolate a group of them in an open area. We found that preparing a giant trench in an open field near a heavily populated area and baiting it with a few cows or whatever is available, and playing sounds of radio or television conversation, or even music over a PA will draw them like flies. We then fly over in a helicopter equipped with a couple of M-134 Gatlings. This will do a pretty good job of putting them down. Those puppies fire 1660 rounds-per-second or a million rounds per minute of 7.62 ammo. Now those walkers will be chopped up pretty good but not all will have head shots. Therein lies the problem. The guns will give you a sixty to seventy percent kill, rate but someone still needs to get down there and manually finish the job. No matter how bad those suckers look, some can still bite. We’ve lost some fine men on cleanup duty.”

  “Thank you sir, for both the information and your candor. It is certainly an option we might be able to consider.”

  “Before we get to the unpleasant choices we will need to make, does everyone agree upon our need to intervene in this matter? I'd like to hear from anyone out there who might have thoughts or ideas.”

  The next comment comes from an extremely unexpected source. It is from a satellite hookup somewhere deep in the rooms and tunnels under the Vatican. Bishop Adriano Manzani has been an archivist at the Vatican for over forty-five years and might be one of the most learned men on the planet. He does his work in quiet and solitude, so to hear him speak is rare indeed. While he himself is not a vampire, he knows many within the church who are. Like him, they work, mostly unnoticed, in demanding but satisfying and important positions serving the Lord in their own way.

  “It would seem to me,” says the voice in heavily accented English, “that you have made a case that offers no alternative to intervention. Do nothing and you either starve or are killed off by that which is intended to terminate the zombies. Obviously, my religion forbids killing in any form, but my intellect tells me you cannot kill that which is already dead. Your intervention might just help save many of the living and turn this abomination around. I am aware that in churches, temples and other places of worship people are asking how God could have let this happen. I wish I had the answer. Maybe, just maybe, it is meant to bring people together that have lived apart and allow them to face the future in harmony. Maybe it will bring an end to strife over religion or race. Those who survive will learn to appreciate one another, not hate. Someone once said nothing brings people together like a common enemy.”

  “If I may add one more thing please. Mr. Swenson there is reluctant to talk about the two matters that were brought up earlier, and for good reason. They are nourishment, and the completely overwhelming numbers you will be facing. I have no idea how many members you will have worldwide in your vampire army and I doubt you have much of an estimate either. However, even supplemented by what is left of human soldiers, you will be vastly outnumbered. So, to sum it up, forget any niceness or tact, you will need blood and volunteers willing to be turned into vampires!”

  Cardinal McGinty turns white. This is sacrilege of the highest order. Coming from a high officer of the Vatican! “You can’t,” he screamed, “Thou shalt not kill. The most sacred commandment we follow! You are going to kill healthy people and turn them into undead things to murder other undead things! It goes beyond blasphemy.”

  “Take it easy father.” Daniel takes the lead again, addressing the official from the Vatican. “Monsignor, are some of our representatives there with you?”

  “Yes there are, but they asked that I take the lead in putting forth this suggestion. They feel it would just be too morbid and pardon the expression indigestible coming from a vampire.”

  “I fully understand but at this point I would like for them to join you on screen so that all the representatives of the clergy, both human and vampire are present.”

  Moments later there are four more robed men on the screen.

  “At this moment, I will not waste our precious time by asking these holy men to introduce themselves individually. Suffice it to say, we are blessed by the presence of some very highly placed men in the order. Now, I don’t see where mandatory b
lood donations to the soldiers, and make no mistake that’s what we will be, who are trying to save the human race will be a major problem. The problem, which does not have to be solved tonight, will be how to increase the ranks of those most able to win this war. To reach an accord about the morality of turning others into vampires is no less difficult than defining what the definition is of being alive. This has been debated since man learned to communicate and will continue to be argued till the world as we know it ends, which, by the way, may not be that far off if we don’t take action.”

  “Having said this, let me give you something to ponder. Are the zombies alive? The answer here has to be an absolute NO, or we have no moral right to terminate them. It seems to me that the answer has to lie within the function of the brain and its ability to reason, think, plan and have a basic conscience, to know and accept ones existence. The creatures have none of this. All they do is eat and create others of their kind. They don’t have friends, relatives, or lovers only food!”

  “As I speak to you tonight, I ask the question, am I alive? We too have been called “the undead”, but look around you. At this table and on the screen are leaders of industry, medicine, education, and religion, just to name a few. There’s no way to quantify the amount of good and progress that has been made by those present. How can it be said that these are not living entities? They live out their lives just as normal humans do, with love, compassion, loyalty, and honor, along with all of the other attributes considered HUMAN! In deciding whether or not a patient is alive, the medical profession has long embraced active brain function as the criteria for their decision. Vampires possess active brain function. Are there bad vampires? Yes, just as the prisons are full of bad humans or at least were. On the whole, though there are far more with the qualities of goodness than those driven to the darker life. Is there a difference between killing a fellow human with a gun or knife rather than teeth? They are just as dead. I suggest that we vampires are just as alive as any human... just live a different type of life, with different needs and qualities but no less real and meaningful! If someone wants to save this planet and recognizes that he or she can do it better and with more safety as a vampire, and that individual can accept what that new life will entail going forward, who’s to say they’re wrong?”

  “ One last thought if I may. How many of us have heard of people who died on an operating table or in a hospital and come back to life? There are many stories of patients who’s hearts have stopped and been declared clinically dead for minutes, then came back to life. Are they too the living dead? Their returns are considered miracles. At this time, I subject, perhaps we should be thought of as a miracle. A miracle that may save humankind!”

  The next comment comes from the table in Italy. “Mr. Swenson, your comments are extremely well put and thought out. My colleagues and I find ourselves speechless. We wholly concur with what you have said and have nothing to add other than one comment. Becoming a vampire must be forced on no one. It must be a totally informed decision!”

  “That goes without saying but one thing must be understood. Once someone has been bitten by these creatures, we cannot turn them any longer. The dead and infected blood and saliva of these zombies cannot be ingested. If we are bitten and receive a tiny amount in a wound we can heal but we cannot save anyone else.”

  Colonel Dickerson stands up. “If I am understanding all of this correctly, what you are proposing is in essence the creation of a worldwide vampire army to combat this threat. Will it be independent or operate in conjunction with existing military forces that are still functional? Who will command this group?”

  “At this time, judging from the difficulty we had just putting together the equipment and power needed for this conference, trying to coordinate efforts on a worldwide basis would be a logistical nightmare. We certainly can’t rule it out for some time in the future. And we certainly can’t have independent groups of humans and vampires running around bumping into each other and duplicating efforts! In addition it will create unneeded competition for resources and supplies. All actions will need to be coordinated from some central point. As for combined groups, it will depend upon the ability of these groups to work together. It will definitely be better for all if they can. As for leadership, the experience you and your forces have gained to date will be invaluable going forward. Having said that, nobody knows what unique talents and abilities we posses better than our own people! It may surprise you but we also have experienced officers in commanding positions. As you have unknowingly worked with each other in the past, I suspect you will be able to continue that liaison in the future.”


  The Force

  In the weeks that follow much is happening all throughout the world. Each country has developed its own program, unique to the customs and traditions of that area. Japan, for instance, came up with a program that is totally its own. Their “army” is all clothed in the ancient Ninja wear. Adorned in black pajama like suits with hoods that only allow their eyes to be exposed, making it difficult to tell which fighters are human and which are vampires. This is true at least until they go into battle and the superior strength and speed of the vampires is exposed. Eventually, it really didn’t matter as they learned to count on each other in battle. They are just fighters, and who they really are does not count.

  In the U.S., things are also going surprising well. As they work together, trapping and exterminating groups of the undead, they realize that a formidable force has been created. Humans cannot ignore the fighting prowess, as well as the fierceness and courage displayed by their vampire brethren. They have a common goal and it does not take long before the human element recognizes that they are working together toward a common goal.

  Patrols of the mixed force scour the land, seeking out pockets of humanity and bringing them to hidden, heavily fortified, and well guarded strong points to find safety and flourish. Former heavily guarded, strategic areas, such as Wright Patterson and the famed “Area 51” are fortified and become bastions of civilization, as well as former missile silos. The blood drives meet little or no resistance as most humans know how important the vampires are to the winning of this war. To their credit, a vampire never attacks a human for their blood. Oddly enough, there are many occasions when a human offers blood to a wounded vampire to help him recover more quickly. Many humans are killed by bites during this crusade, and while wounded, none of the vampires perished. This creates an unexpected rush by the humans to be turned into vampires.

  Rules need to be established. Many humans want to become vampires for all the wrong reasons. Being a vampire means power. In a world where the strong now have power over the weak and rule in pockets of humanity while still hidden and disorganized, this means virtually becoming a king. Others, especially some who had been professional athletes or aspired to be, realized how awesome they will be with vampire attributes. Of course they know it will be a long time until the return of organized sports but who cares. They are to be immortal.

  From the vampire’s side, anyone selected to turn a human will have to become his or her trainer and mentor. That means protecting them as they learn, as well as protecting others from them. Instilling in a new vampire the fact that they are here to serve humanity, not feed on it, is not always an easy task. A new vampire, surging with previously unknown strength and vitality might tend to be overly “enthusiastic” to say the least.

  To aid in qualifying the applicants, a council is set up to evaluate and rule on the candidates. Members of the clergy, such as Father McGinty, who leads the group, as well as psychiatrists and military leaders, assess anyone wishing to become a vampire. In addition, parents with living children cannot apply. Husbands, with living wives, or wives with living husbands without children may qualify, but only if they are both willing to make the turn. Obviously, anyone with a history of violence, drug use, or other illegal activities cannot be considered. With the world wide web no longer functioning, rooting out these records i
s no easy task. For the screeners, it becomes a matter of “feeling”.

  Witnessing a squad going out on a killing mission, one would be very much surprised. The soldiers look almost medieval. While everyone carries formidable guns, they have learned a while back, that in a charging horde, swords, axes and pikes are much more effective. Actually, in the time it takes to target a head shot, three to four zombies can be slain with an axe or blade. In England and most of the European countries the giant, two-handed, broad sword has reappeared after centuries of extinction. All over the world, forges are again turning out double-faced broad axes with a sharp pike in the center, reminiscent of the Viking broad ax or the headsman’s axe. In North America, fighters favor samurai swords, as well as variations of the old cavalry saber. Variations of the pirate cutlass also find favor. In addition, many men also carry some form of long-handled axe, while a few have revived a primitive form of mace. These are certainly lo-tech times.

  Perhaps the most unusual and unexpected sign of the times appears at during the height of day when a great number of the vampires need to retire and get their rest. Their coffins, and other preferred resting places are guarded by former Rangers or Seals, who consider this an “honor guard” position. Any one of them would give his or her life to protect their sleeping brothers.

  From somewhere underground by satellite hookup, the President, (who does not look like Morgan Freeman) actually blesses the vampire/human coalition and wishes them Godspeed in saving our world!

  Much the same thing is going on all over the globe.

  While still growing and learning, it is time to launch some larger scale operations.



  “Hi! My name is Aaron Rogers and I’m the team leader of C.A.G.-1. That’s short for the (Coalition Action Group, team 1). We are the first group formed under the agreement between the representatives of the human Race and the vampires that have volunteered to help us during this spreading crisis. As you can probably guess, I am human, and have been chosen to lead this group, by a vote of the team. Things are not done by appointment here, but rather by everyone voting on what they think will be best for the safety and effectiveness of the team!”